Saturday, March 3, 2018

An Unbelievable Lady

Thus time moves on, moves inexorably on. I only realised this morning that we are now in autumn, here in Sydney. So let's get ready for the cold with a warm story from Aberrant Selected. This post I will tell you why I wrote the twenty-ninth story in the collection, entitled, Despite Her Reasoning.
     Like some of the other stories in the collection, this tale I wrote to chronicle a magickal event that I had witnessed. Essentially, I was at an illegal rave one night in Sydney Park, in an abandoned warehouse. I started off in the evening in a mildly psychotic state, but eventually improved as the evening progressed. Anyway, at the start of festivities, I was sitting with some friends, feeling persecuted, and trying to ignore the hostile voices in my head. In doing so I noticed a young lady a few feet from me, and crouching down while apparently studying something in her cupped palms. She swung around while crouching, looking on either side for someone or something, and also clearly sobbing. She then noticed me, and, still sobbing, offered to me what looked like a little faerie, a little, delicate lady with a trailing gown. The crouching lass could see it, I could see it, and the faerie could see us. The lass was waiting for me to confirm the miracle.
     I turned away, then got up and moved off.
     The reason I chose not to confirm this magickal event was because if I had indeed done so it would have fundamentally changed Reality. And I was in no state at all, at all to take responsibility for that.
     These days I am still happy with my decision, at least, most of the time. This tale is only time that I have told the story of that faerie, but I hope it does make you all think that magick happens. You just have to keep an eye out.

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