Saturday, August 27, 2016

My Dear Psychiatrists

Aberrant Selected begins with the short story, My Dear Psychiatrist, and it is a fictionalised rendering of the psychiatrist, whom I named Dr Bea, whom began me on the path to a full remission with my schizophrenia. Dr Bea, during those consults, said very little and let me do all the talking, asking questions, and answering them myself. Thus, today's post is about what the average psychiatrist consult is like, at least in my own experience.
     From watching Frasier most people probably think that a psychiatrist consult is heavy going, discussing sublimating perverse feelings, strategies to obviate Oedipus complexes,etc, but in my own case this is certainly not the case. With Dr Bea each consult was like catching up with a good friend I hadn't seen in a few weeks and having a good natter with him, albeit with me doing most of the talking. This method has obviously proved fruitful as, in combination with my much needed medications, I have finally arrived in a full remission with my mental illness.
     My current psychiatrist is Dr Julian Short (he said it was okay if I was his real name) and he is the best psychiatrist that I have had. Once again, like with Dr Bea, consults with Dr Short are like catching up with an old friend except that Dr Short is more talkative. Throughout the conversation he will often give me various pointers, tips, or revelations achieved through psychiatric study. He also is a published writer (An Intelligent Life) and some of each consult is spent in discussing our writing experiences. He is always glad to see me and has got into the habit, when he announces he is ready to begin the consult, that he is glad I've arrived as I 'bring sanity into his day.' Dr Short I have also fictionalised in a short story, My God Complex, which has been published in issue fourteen of Tincture Journal. More of my God complex next week. Also, and once again, if you'd like to listen to an interview of me on Radio Skid Row, a Sydney community radio station, being interviewed about my writing and my mental illness, just click on the following link:
     To finish up, if any of you out there feel you need to see a psychiatrist but feel daunted by the prospect of an emotionally draining visit, there is no need to worry. Talking with a psychiatrist I have found to be a very casual affair and he/she soon becomes a real friend, but a very intelligent and learned friend. I look forward to my consults with Dr Short and it was he who pronounced me to finally be in a full remission with schizophrenia. I am sure you will enjoy them too, if you feel you may need some help. 

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